Sample Project for using libpd with Android Studio (2016 Update)

Updated in July 2016

This post was originally released in march 2015 and updated in july2016. The update yields the new conditions coming with the pure data artifact available in the jCenter repository.

Android Studio Sample Project

Because some people requested a working example project I will provide one here. The most actual blog posts is available here: Pure Data for Android using the jCenter gradle dependecy. I included a little sample patch for generating a simple sound. If you run the application and deploy it to your (virtual) device you can control the volume and frequency by adjusting the given parameters.

It was created using Android Studio 2.1.0 and pd-for-android artifact available in the jCenter repository. Preconfigured minimum SDK Version is API 19 (4.4) to cover around 75% of all devices. The sample project was hardware tested with a Nexus 5 running Marshmallow 6.0.1 and a virtual Nexus 4 running KitKat 4.4.

The sample project can be downloaded using GitHub (Repo Link). So you are able to leave a hint, report or fork.

Direct Download Link: Download

I hope I could help :)

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