Convert Video to a different format using Adobe Premiere Pro / Media Encoder

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Converting videos using Adobe Premiere Pro / Media Encoder

There a re many and various software products available to work with videos and audio. One of the basic tasks is to convert videos from one format to another.  This little walkthrough will show you how to convert your videos. First things first: Should you use the advanced Premiere Pro or the Media Encoder? If you plan to edit or cut your video, too you should use Premiere Pro. If you just want to convert the file format you should choose the Media Encoder every time. lets get started with the Media Encoder!

5 steps to convert your video using the Adobe Media Encoder

Import your video file into the queue.

You can use the Plus (+) Button in the toolbar to add a video. Or you simply drag and drop you file into the queue window of the Adobe Media Encoder.

Choose a file format for the output.

There are plenty of video formats and container for various video devices. Lets me name you some formats worth choosing. First: Check your playback device you want to play the video to chosse a compatible video format. For example, choose a Quicktime or H.264  for your Apple iPad or iPhone. Generally I would recommend using H.264 codec inside a mp4 container.

Choose a quality preset for the output.

The Media Encoder has a bunch of presets for each codec/format. I would recommend choosing a high quality preset (720p/1080p) but depending on your device you should use one of the other options. You should also notice, that the selection of the preset affect the final file size and duration to convert the video.

Set the target Location for your file.

Its just at that simple: Choose a file path or keep the predefined path pointing towards the video source in the queue.

Start the conversion of your video queue.

Use the "play" button in the queue toolbar to start to convert all videos in the queue. On the lower left window the conversion progress can be tracked. The conversion itself is really slow, so take you time.

Convert videos using Adobe premiere Pro

To convert your video to another file format using Adobe Premiere Pro you have to export you media (Ctrl-M). In the newly opened window you can set the same options like in the media encoder. So choose your format/codec, preset and destination and start to export your video.

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